It’s available for all Amazon Prime and Prime Video users, who can access the redemption code to Liliana’s Legion on Dec. The Twitch Prime code is likely only redeemable one time in the MTG Arena store. If a player only has one Liliana, though, the Twitch Prime deck will add a second card to their library for deck crafting. It’s also unknown at this time whether the cards in Liliana’s Legion will count as additional copies in MTG Arena, contributing toward vault progress. Other than the planeswalker Liliana, the list of other cards in the preconstructed deck aren’t available.

The Arena deck isn’t listed on the Twitch Prime page yet, but it should be once December starts. Pre-release for MTG War of the Spark is from April 26 to 28 at the same time as the second Magic: The Gathering Mythic Championship taking place in London.Most loot drop offers only last for a specific amount of time. Watch Magic: The Gathering channels streaming live on Twitch. MTG Arena assures players that the cards will be available when they’re able to log back in. Some problems, such as boosters not opening or cards not showing up, have occurred. Devs are working on the issue, and recommend logging out, then logging back in. The items will appear after you return to the store screen back inside MTGA. Click on Code Redemption and enter your codes there. Go to the Wizards account website and log in. Use the process above to redeem your codes.

Launching War of the Spark ahead of schedule on MTG Arena has led to a few server difficulties. Log into the desktop version of MTG Arena, either on Windows or Mac.

The decklist for the Boros-Legion deck is as follows: In addition, Twitch Prime subscribers can download a free Boros-Legion pre-constructed deck. Freebies with the new expansion include the promo code “PLAYWARSPARK” (cap sensitive) for three War of the Spark booster packs.